Friday, January 17, 2020

If this will be

We all are rooting for change. Cliche might it sound but we always encounter the word "change" everywhere we go and whatever we do. Things are getting out of hand lately and I must admit, continually, I, myself should be a part of change. We should make a difference. In a lake of fishes and crocodiles, be the lilies. On a garden of roses, be the daisy and as life continues to take heed of what's coming next, be the one who knows before hand what to do.
Related imagePopular clothes, jewelries, new set of shoes, make-ups and such are trends; but I must say, none of these exceeds the value of difference. If following these for popularity would made you think that you're part of it, then you're missing the essence of change and difference. Personally, I am aware of what I can do and my capabilities as a person but sometimes, fear and 'what ids' are clouding my mind; eventually questioning myself if I can really be a part of change.
Image result for change picsChange starts within us. How can a man be a man if he continues to be the worst version of himself? How can someone say that he can decipher what is right from wrong if he can't start it within himself? Simply, change is within us. We cannot be the best version of ourselves if we continue to stick to the one who's chaining us to move. It is not easy as we all think it could be, but it will be worth it.
The trends that are keeping us in track is not the basis of difference. You can be someone's encouragement, you can be someone's reason to change. This, it will be worth it, these things are meant to happen. Change starts within us. Be the rose among the thorns and be the butterfly among the flowers.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that you can make a change cuz your such a brilliant kid.


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