Friday, January 17, 2020

Fiesta ala Ilokana!

On the blazing day of the year and on the roaring streets of Vigan City, lies a hundred fold histories and stories to tell.
Image result for vigan city fiesta celebrationThe Vigan City Fiesta is held every January 25. It is celebrated during the feast day of the conversion of St. Paul the Apostle. St. Paul is Vigan City’s patron saint. Before his conversion, St. Paul was known as Saul, a zealous persecutor of Christians. After he was touched by a personal encounter with Jesus Christ on his way to Damascus, his name was changed to Paul and he endured a lot of hardships and danger to spread the word of God to far places. 
Related imageYearly, it is every Bigueno's tradition to feast and celebrate our City's fiesta. It is expected that a lot of activities will occur during this span of time such as Carnivals, shopping spree and a lot of products produced by the different places within the scale of Ilocos Sur.
It is quite amazing how our place still values our culture and our untold history. The presence of each Ilokano people had come to unite and to witness every inch of the program and to show that they support their activity. 
It has come to a conclusion that indeed, every one of us MUST carve into our hearts that our place has a momentous and unique way of spending our fiesta, it is deeply rooted in our mind and heart that once a Bigueno, always a Bigueno! 


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