Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nature's Month of Celebration

As I sat at the blue turquoise ocean, the waves rushes towards me. They are coming for me. The cold breeze and the shadows  under the coconut tree, the scorching sun that warms my feeling. I had seen the preservation and conservation. The seashells and the  sand that suits the palette of the sea  comforts me.
Image result for pictures of nature beauty aestheticOur environment began in a paradise. A safe haven for each individual,  a treasure that gives us the greatest pleasure and lives with us. The trees, animals in the wild, the chirping of birds and the sound of nature calms our souls. The fresh air that we breathe, the chill breeze during the cold night and the rain that follows what I am  feeling. The stars that shines so bright and the moon that gives us light on the  darkest night. This was paradise.
 On this modern world, people became worst. We took advantage of our nature's kindness. The resources that we had, the abundant variety of fishes on the ocean and the fruit bearing trees that became  a part of our childhood were snatched away from us. Our surroundings became dirty and worst, it became a complete disaster. 
People's  actions reflects on how  nature respond to our  calling.Thunders, landslides, flood, numerous earthquake, global warming and  climate  change. It feels like these are already part of our life. No one had took this seriously for they do not care about our future generation. They do not think of the future generations that will suffer because of our actions. We don't mind if this will totally break and thrive us.  People seems to neglect our nature. Leaving her helpless and forsaken.
Related imageRelated imageOur school has this Science Month Celebration that targets the youth to  be a steward of our nature. We are all  aware of what our environment is suffering right now.  Through this, we can spread awareness to every young people specially on  our school  by conducting activities such as the battle of the bottles where the students collects bottles and transform them into a useful material that we can use. By doing this simple step,  we are now raising awareness, improving the skills of the citizens and also empowering young minds that even though they are still  young, they are a big help  in saving our environment.
Together, let us all make a difference. Plant a tree, ride a bike,  be stronger don't falter, together we shall stand.


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