Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Summing Up, Keyboard tap!

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Throughout this journey on my ICT 10, I've learned how to be independent specially on doing my activities and blogs. I should not depend anything to someone but instead, do it with my own understanding. 
Related imageI've encountered numerous challenges such as how to handle my time, managing it and making sure that I could finish my blogs and activities on time. By making the activities and blogs that was given by our teacher, and by filling up the empty time or our free time, successfully, I had solved these problems.
Moving in, I will ensure that all of my requirements  will be published and will be passed on time. I will make sure that in each meetings, I will learn something and if not, then I won'y stop learning. 


Long We Reign

As I embark through the new chapter of my life and as I leave this year's memories behind the four corners of our ICT room, I can hea...